Designed specifically for the mining
industry GeoInfo Mobile facilitates standardized
and robust descriptive data collection and GPS
location information for field activities.
News!!! GeoInfo
Mobile version 2.6 for Android is now available, along
with GeoInfo Mobile version 3.0 for Windows
Standardized pick lists, automated GPS
locations, and defaulted common fields makes
filed data entry fast and easy. GeoInfo
Mobile provides clean standardized digital
database ready data from field activities.
Company or Project business/geologic rules are
set in GeoInfo Mobile and enforced at the point
of collection, the field. Post field work office
data clean up is not required! Errors
are reduced!
Experienced geologists benefit by the
speed, accuracy, and thoroughness of data
collection! Junior geologists benefit by
the prompting and educational benefit of robust
attribute fields and properly set up pick lists!
GeoInfo Mobile is fully integrated
with GeoInfo Tools, a corporate database
solution for the mining and mineral
exploration industries,
GeoInfo Mobile is a stand alone
data collection app for geologists and
data collectors, however it is also a data
collection app for GeoInfo Tools users.
GeoInfo Mobile imports pick lists managed
by GeoInfo Tools to provide business rules
in the field, and exports collected data
for easy import into GeoInfo Tools.
GeoInfo Mobile v2.6 for Android, new for 2020
allows users to collect field data on small
handheld or phone devices.
Mobile for Android is;
Field Data Collector, with built in pick
list and business rules
- GPS,
automatically record location information
- Compass,
read azimuth and dip for structures and surveys
Mapper, fully integrated with GIS and
mapping apps. See your field data on maps
as you collect it, a complete field data
collection and GIS mapping solution.
Download GeoInfo Mobile
v2.6 For Android User’s Manual for more details,
Mobile v2.6 User Manual.pdf.
for a free demo version.

Mobile v3.0 for Windows tablets can be
integrated with Simple GIS, ArcGIS or other
Windows GIS software allowing users to view, navigate to and
edit GeoInfo Mobile data on GIS maps in the
Download GeoInfo Mobile
v3.0 for Windows User’s Manual for more
details, Downloads/GeoInfo
Mobile Users Manual.pdf.
