Geo-Information Solutions GeoInfo Mobile.
GeoInfo Mobile
is developed by Geo-Information
Solutions. The software was developed for
the mining and mineral exploration industries to
facilitate standard and robust descriptive data
collection and GPS location information for field
GeoInfo Mobile runs on Android handheld and
phone devices, and Windows laptop and tablet
Solutions provides consulting to the mining and
mineral exploration industries.
Solutions focuses on Database, GIS and mobile
GPS/database application
solutions. Database support using Microsoft
Access and Microsoft SQL
Server and programming in SQL and Visual Basic is a
specialty. Geo-Information Solutions
provides mining industry field
data collection database software, GeoInfo
Mobile; and corporate database
software, GeoInfo Tools Database.
Geo-Information Solutions
provides complete integration of field to corporate
database solutions as well
as support, training and custom development of
integrated database, mapping, and
data analysis solutions.
